Episode 28

Published on:

25th Aug 2023

BGC for Modrons

Black Girls Code is an organization dedicated to helping young black girls between 7 and 17 gain access to digital technology and develop skills in programming. This allows them to tell their unique and creative stories to the world. Donate at https://tiltify.com/@bardrockcafe/brc-for-bgc

Our GM is out of ideas for stories! He enlists the help of several Modrons to code the Best Adventure Ever

Introducing, as the Creative Director, Kenny

As the barbarian Avery, Discarded Dork

As the cleric Buttercup, Hope

As the fighter Ris, Tabi

As the rogue Ulminar, Maps 'N' Quests

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About the Podcast

Bard Rock Extended Universe
TTRPG Variety Show
Bard Rock Extended Universe is where you can find all the Bard Rock Cafe content you love outside of our main campaigns. Twitch streams, miniseries, charity events, you name it! We don't just play DND, we play other TTRPGs like Masks, Monster of the Week, and so much more!

About your host

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Paul Kinter